
Friday, November 30, 2007

Evel Knievel R.I.P.

This just in, Evel Knievel Is dead.

Quick "Evel" story: A former co-worker of mine once worked for Osco (Osco Corporate), and as part of her duties would sometimes have to meet with celebrities that were making store appearances for grand openings and what not. She once met Evel at a grand opening where he proceeded to use the following line on her: "I have jumped a lot of things in parking lots, and I wouldn't mind jumping you in this one."

Evel Knievel = all class.

Kelly Pickler

Kelly Pickler (American Idol contestant) is NOT smarter than a 5th Grader. Actually, Kelly Pickler is barely smarter than an infant.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Retro Hester

The only bright spot for the Bear so far this year. Some clips of his college days at Miami. Worth watching until the end for the return against Duke...just ridiculous.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I Am Fat

Currently, I have hit a bit of a speed bump on the way to my ultimate goal of weighing a svelte 180 pounds (I am in a contest to see who can get to 180 first, but if you are reading this, you probably already know that). I call this speed bump, "a weekend in Nashville for Barry's birthday."

Weight Friday morning before I left: 198.5
Weight upon my return on Sunday afternoon: 213

Yes, over 14 pounds in 2 days. Strong work by anyone's standards (Even the morbidly obese would have to tip there hat to the orgy of eating and binge drinking that led to my rapid weight gain). So kudos to me! I'm fat!

P.S. Clint, you can stop counting now.